Under the Sun

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Longshot…that’s me.

When I was removed from service and missionary duties, I shattered into a millions pieces . I remember lying on my back in my temporary bedroom and screaming out to God for help.  I thought about a scripture in the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 1 verse 9 that says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”  And I remember thinking…if this is true then where are the people who have gone through this?!? I need help. It didn’t make any sense to me that I had to go through this alone…especially when someone has supposedly already experienced this.

From that moment, I decided to never hide my story. I asked myself, “What are the things that I am scared to share with the world, but know (if I did) that it could change someone’s life for the better?”



Bring people and experiences together so you don’t have to go through it alone.  Someone, somewhere has been there. I am creating a video series interviewing people with stories that will change your heart, change your perspective, and give you hope.

You are NOT alone. There is nothing new under the sun…but where are your people? Where is your tribe?

You’ve found us. Fill out the form below to let me know that you’re here OR if you want to interview and share your story with others!